Can An Air Conditioner Be Used as A Dehumidifier?

Are you tired of living in a humid environment? Do you want to know if an air conditioner can also work as a dehumidifier? If yes, then you have come to the right place.

Humidity can make your living space uncomfortable and affect your health. High humidity levels can cause mold growth, damage furniture and electronic devices, and create an ideal environment for dust mites and other allergens to thrive.

The good news is that you can use an air conditioner to reduce humidity levels in your home. When air passes through the evaporator coil of an air conditioner, moisture is removed from the air, and the resulting condensation is collected in a drain pan and then drained away.

Summary: In this blog post, we will discuss the differences between air conditioners and dehumidifiers and how an air conditioner can be used as a dehumidifier. We will explore the benefits of reducing humidity levels, how to effectively use an air conditioner to remove moisture from the air, and when to use dehumidifier with air conditioner.

Air Conditioner vs Dehumidifier: What is the difference between an air conditioner and a dehumidifier?

While both air conditioners and dehumidifiers can help reduce humidity levels, they work in slightly different ways. An air conditioner is primarily designed to cool the air, while a dehumidifier is designed to remove moisture from the air. Dehumidifiers can be more effective at removing moisture from the air in very humid environments.

An air conditioner’s main role is to cool the air but it also remove water content in the air (moisture) as a byproduct. It does this by drawing in warm air from the room, passing it over a cold evaporator coil, and blowing the cooled and dehumidified air back into the room. The moisture that is removed from the air is collected in a condensate pan and drained away.

A dehumidifier, on the other hand, works specifically to remove the water content (moisture) from the air. It works by drawing in humid air, passing it over a cold coil to condense the moisture, and collecting the resulting water in a reservoir or draining it away. Some dehumidifiers can also filter the air, removing allergens and pollutants in addition to moisture.

While an air conditioner can help to lower humidity levels, it is not as effective as a dedicated dehumidifier. Additionally, an air conditioner is more expensive to run than a dehumidifier, and it may not be necessary to use one solely for the purpose of reducing humidity levels.

Here is a table comparing the features and functions of an air conditioner and a dehumidifier:

FeatureAir ConditionerDehumidifier
PurposeCools the airRemoves excess moisture from the air
Cooling CapacityHighLow
DehumidificationSome moisture is removed as a byproductSpecifically designed to remove moisture from air
Air FiltrationMay have basic air filtersMay have advanced air filters to remove allergens
Energy EfficiencyLess efficient than dehumidifierMore energy efficient than air conditioner
Noise LevelCan be noisy, especially window unitsGenerally quieter than air conditioners
PriceMore expensive than dehumidifierLess expensive than air conditioner
MaintenanceRegular maintenance required for optimal useRegular maintenance required for optimal use
Best UseHot and humid climates, cooling a roomDamp or humid environments, reducing moisture levels

This table can help you decide which appliance is best suited for your needs depending on your location, climate, and indoor air quality concerns.

Can An Air Conditioner Be Used as A Dehumidifier?

Yes, an air conditioner can work as a dehumidifier, but it may not be as effective as a dedicated dehumidifier. When an air conditioner is running, it cools the air by passing it over a cold evaporator coil. As the warm air passes over the cold coil, moisture in the air condenses onto the coil and is collected in a drain pan or drained away. This is why you may notice water dripping from your air conditioner.

While an air conditioner can help to lower humidity levels in a room, its primary function is to cool the air. In order to function as a dehumidifier, the air conditioner would need to be set to a lower temperature and run for a longer period of time. However, this can increase energy consumption and result in higher utility bills.

If you live in a particularly humid area or struggle with excess moisture in your home, it may be worth investing in a dedicated dehumidifier. These appliances are specifically designed to remove moisture from the air and can be more effective than relying solely on an air conditioner.

What are the benefits of reducing humidity levels?

Reducing humidity levels can have numerous benefits, including:

  • Increased comfort: High humidity levels can make you feel hot and sticky, even when the temperature is not particularly high. Reducing humidity levels can make your living space more comfortable.
  • Improved air quality: High humidity levels can create an ideal environment for mold, dust mites, and other allergens to thrive. Reducing humidity levels can help improve indoor air quality and reduce allergy symptoms.
  • Protection of furniture and electronics: High humidity levels can cause wood to warp, paint to peel, and electronic devices to malfunction. Reducing humidity levels can help protect your belongings.

How can I effectively use my air conditioner as a dehumidifier?

To effectively use your air conditioner as a dehumidifier, you should:

  • Make sure your air conditioner is properly sized for your living space. An undersized air conditioner will not be effective at removing moisture from the air.
  • Use the “dry” or “dehumidify” mode: Some air conditioners have a separate setting for dehumidification. Look for the “dry” or “dehumidify” mode on your air conditioner and use it instead of the regular cooling mode. This setting will run the air conditioner’s fan at a slower speed, allowing it to remove more moisture from the air.
  • Keep the air conditioner filter clean: A dirty air filter can restrict airflow and reduce the air conditioner’s effectiveness at removing moisture from the air. Clean or replace your air filter regularly to ensure that your air conditioner is operating efficiently.
  • Close windows and doors: Keep windows and doors closed when running your air conditioner to prevent humid outdoor air from entering the room.
  • Use a ceiling fan: A ceiling fan can help to circulate the air in the room and improve the effectiveness of your air conditioner at removing moisture.
  • Consider using a standalone dehumidifier: If your air conditioner is not effective enough at reducing humidity levels, consider using a standalone dehumidifier in conjunction with your air conditioner.

How do you dehumidify a room with AC?

To dehumidify a room with an air conditioner, you can follow these steps:

  1. Set your air conditioner to a lower temperature than usual, as this will cause it to run for a longer period of time and remove more moisture from the air.
  2. Ensure that your air conditioner is properly maintained, including cleaning or replacing the air filter regularly. A dirty filter can reduce the effectiveness of your air conditioner and lead to higher humidity levels.
  3. Make sure that your air conditioner is the correct size for the room you want to dehumidify. If the unit is too small, it may not be able to effectively remove moisture from the air.
  4. Use a ceiling fan or portable fan to circulate the air in the room. This can help the air conditioner to distribute cool, dehumidified air more evenly and efficiently.
  5. Keep windows and doors closed as much as possible to prevent moisture from entering the room.

When to use dehumidifier with air conditioner?

A dehumidifier can be used with an air conditioner to help reduce the humidity levels in a room. This can be especially useful in areas with high humidity, as excess moisture in the air can make a room feel uncomfortable and cause problems such as mold and mildew growth.

It’s important to note that while both a dehumidifier and air conditioner can remove moisture from the air, they do so in different ways. An air conditioner cools the air and removes moisture as a byproduct, while a dehumidifier is specifically designed to remove moisture from the air.

If you’re using a dehumidifier with an air conditioner, it’s important to monitor the humidity levels in the room and adjust the settings on both appliances as needed to maintain a comfortable and healthy environment.

An air conditioner can be an effective way to remove moisture from the air and reduce humidity levels in your living space. By using the right settings and keeping your air conditioner well-maintained, you can enjoy a more comfortable and healthy living environment.

At what humidity level a dehumidifier should be used with air conditioner?

The ideal humidity level for indoor spaces is generally between 30% and 50%. When the humidity level in a room exceeds this range, it can lead to discomfort, mold growth, and other indoor air quality issues.

In general, if the humidity level in a room is above 60%, it may be beneficial to use a dehumidifier along with the air conditioner. This can help the air conditioner to work more efficiently, as it will not have to work as hard to remove moisture from the air.

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), “Relative humidity should be kept below 60 percent — ideally between 30 percent and 50 percent, if possible.” This recommendation is supported by other reputable organizations such as the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).

In summary, a dehumidifier can be used in conjunction with an air conditioner to further reduce humidity levels and improve indoor air quality. The ideal humidity level for indoor spaces is between 30% and 50%.

Expert Opinion

In my experience, using an air conditioner as a dehumidifier can be a cost-effective solution for reducing humidity levels in your home. However, it’s important to note that an air conditioner is not as effective as a dedicated dehumidifier in very humid environments or during particularly humid times of the year. In those cases, it may be worth investing in a separate dehumidifier to ensure optimal indoor air quality and comfort.


  1. How can I tell if my air conditioner is removing humidity from the air?
  • You can tell if your air conditioner is removing humidity from the air by checking the drain pan for condensation. If the drain pan has collected water, then your air conditioner is effectively removing moisture from the air.
  1. How do I know if I need a dehumidifier in addition to my air conditioner?
  • If you live in a very humid environment or during particularly humid times of the year, you may need a dedicated dehumidifier in addition to your air conditioner. You can also use a hygrometer to measure the humidity levels in your home and determine if a dehumidifier is necessary.
  1. Can using an air conditioner as a dehumidifier save energy?
  • Using an air conditioner as a dehumidifier can potentially save energy, as it eliminates the need to use a separate dehumidifier. However, it’s important to make sure your air conditioner is properly sized for your living space and that you’re using the right settings to ensure optimal energy efficiency.
  1. How often should I clean my air conditioner’s filters?
  • It’s recommended to clean or replace your air conditioner’s filters every 1-3 months, depending on usage and air quality. Dirty filters can reduce the effectiveness of your air conditioner at removing moisture from the air.
  1. Can high humidity levels affect my health?
  • High humidity levels can have negative effects on your health, including increased risk of respiratory infections, worsened asthma symptoms, and dehydration. It’s important to maintain optimal indoor humidity levels for your health and well-being.


In conclusion, using an air conditioner as a dehumidifier can be a practical and cost-effective solution for reducing humidity levels in your home. However, it’s important to use the right settings and keep your air conditioner well-maintained to ensure optimal performance. If you live in a very humid environment or during particularly humid times of the year, you may need a dedicated dehumidifier to ensure optimal indoor air quality and comfort.

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